About Me

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I am just a normal boy with no much to say about himself, ....ummm i cook haha

Friday, August 26, 2011

A wonderful exprience

Yesterday, our class got a special visit from a group of Australian's students and it was a blast. It start off normal, and after math, we all get kinda nervous. Well. when it reached the 5th period, the Aussies came and enter our class while I failed my greeting(too nervous). We were suppose to only get 6 Aussies but because of 3M's English teacher is absent we got all of them. It was such a wonderful experience and their eyes are so damn beautiful. I would go to Australia and just stay there

Friday, August 12, 2011

You know what? WHAT?

WHAT. yes WHAT. WHAT does WHAT means . I do not know WHAT to know and I do not why I am posting this WHAT thingy on my WHATING blog.

Ok the fucking exam is over and I still needa work harder SO G.B.M Lets get 6 A together my daughter Yi Yue, grandaughter Claire and that lady who wants my property Diane

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yay got a new notebook AKA laptop

Just got a new accer laptop . So freaking happy right now. woots. Yay . yeah. oh yeah baby


Monday, August 1, 2011

Hmmmm Haagen dazs

Hmm yay woohoo . Apparently I bought well my Mom bought two new flavours of haagen dazs ice creeaaamamm. Yay who doesnt like ice cream. Vanila and Mango and passion fruit. I am eating it when i am typing this lol